Tag furnace efficiency

Gas Pressure Testing

Nozzle check for fuel pressure
Testing gas pressure is really important for a few big reasons. First, and most importantly, it keeps your home and family safe. When you test the gas pressure, you can find any possible leaks or problems. Gas leaks are super dangerous and can lead to fires or even explosions. So, by checking the pressure, you're making sure your home is safe.

Troubleshooting Blower Motor Problems

Keeping Furnace Blower Motors in good repair
Spotting problems with your blower motor can be a bit tricky. But with the right knowledge and some troubleshooting, you can figure things out. Here are some common blower motor issues to watch out for such signs as: lack of airflow, strange noises, and starting-stopping issues. This article provides you with some step-by-step suggestions for beginning the troubleshooting of your home heat plant.